Distracted Driving and Car Accidents

It’s easy to become distracted these days. Technology keeps you constantly connected to your work, friends and family, news, social media, and other things that take attention away from the present moment.
This has led to an increase in car accidents resulting from distracted driving. Understanding the impacts of distracted driving and the ways to prevent car accidents can help make the roads safer for everyone.
Types of Distracted Driving
It’s been estimated that at least 8 people die each day as a result of distracted driving accidents. In addition, more than 1,160 people are injured daily, making distracted driving one of the biggest risk factors contributing to automobile collisions.
When the attention of drivers is taken away, the chances of being involved in a car accident rises significantly. This includes visual, manual, and cognitive distractions.
Visual distractions occur when drivers take their eyes off of the road. This often happens when drivers “rubberneck” to view an existing collision or other events.
Manual distractions involve drivers who take their hands off of the steering wheel to attend to their radios or mobile devices.
In other cases, drivers simply let their minds wander while driving. This cognitive distraction is often overlooked, but it contributes to a significant number of car accidents each year.
There are new laws being implemented to prevent the use of smartphones while driving, as many states are recognizing the risks that these and other activities can cause.
The Growing Impacts of Distracted Driving
Car accidents resulting from distracted driving can range in their severity. Some may result in minor injuries and property damage while others lead to the loss of life for drivers and passengers.
The laws related to distracted driving vary between states, and drivers must be made aware of the inherent risks and potential consequences of distracted driving.
The use of smartphones has been the biggest factor in the increase in distracted driving accidents. Most states ban texting while driving, and some experts liken it to driving while under the influence of alcohol.
Both activities divert the eyes of drivers away from the road and slow down their reaction time.
Today’s drivers face the possibility of receiving a citation from police officers if they’re caught using a mobile device while driving. This also impacts the cost of insurance for drivers.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is another dangerous form of distracted driving. This can include the use of prescription medication, which has also seen an increase in recent years.
Any substance that impairs your cognitive function will increase the chances of your being involved in a collision. The laws related to driving while under the influence can be severe and result in significant fines and jail time.
Making the Roads Safer
It’s every driver’s responsibility to take steps to prevent distracted driving and protect themselves and others.
Driver education is the first step in making the roads safer. Teaching drivers how to avoid distractions can help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries that result from car accidents.
Drivers should pull over when making a phone call or replying to text messages. Drivers should also avoid becoming distracted by reading materials, the radio, eating, or other activities.
Set your own boundaries so that you can be an example to others. It’s also important to remind others not to become distracted while driving. For example, encourage drivers to wait until they’ve arrived at their destination before turning their attention to their smartphones.
Distracted driving contributes to a large number of today’s car accidents. Understanding its potential consequences helps you prevent collisions and teach others to make the roads safer.
If you or someone you know have been injured because of someone else’s carelessness, contact CP Law Group today at 1-844-5-I’M-HURT (1-844-546-4878) to get the help you deserve. Contact Us.