Drunk Driving Injuries and Getting the Compensation You Deserve

Drunk driving and driving under the influence (DUI) is a major cause of both minor and catastrophic car accidents. It leads to a wide range of physical injuries and extensive property damage.
Although many drivers are aware of the risks involved with DUI, a large number of accidents that involve the use of alcohol and/or other intoxicants occur each year.
If you’ve been injured as a result of another person’s DUI, you’re entitled to compensation for your injuries and damages.
The Impact of Drunk Driving in Georgia
Georgia’s DUI rates are lower than those of other states. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control determined that 3 DUI-related deaths occurred for every 100,000 Georgia residents.
However, fewer deaths don’t reduce the impact that drunk driving has on individuals and their loved ones. Also, younger adults and teenagers are more likely to die as a result of accidents involving drinking and driving.
Personal injuries related to drunk driving include fractures, lacerations, brain and spinal cord injuries, and damage to vital organs. Long-term or permanent disabilities and impairment can also result from these accidents.
Drunk drivers often exceed the speed limit and fail to obey traffic laws. This puts other drivers at risk and increases the potential for causing injury to others.
Georgia DUI Laws
Georgia’s DUI laws classify a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher as being legally intoxicated. As a driver’s BAC increases, he or she begins to experience a reduction in concentration, coordination, and perception.
The ability to process incoming information is impaired, which increases the risk of being involved in a car accident.
First-time offenders can be sentenced to up to one year in jail. Their licenses may also be suspended and they may face fines of up to $1,000.
Longer jail sentences and increased fines are applied to repeat offenders. Judges may require the defendant to complete a substance abuse rehabilitation program as well as undergo an evaluation by a medical professional.
Georgia’s “implied consent” law gives police officers the right to require drivers to undergo breath or urine testing after being stopped on the roadways. A refusal from the driver can lead to a license suspension.
This can be held against the defendant in a court of law. Your attorney will help you determine if this can be used in your case against an individual whose drunk driving resulted in your injuries.
Compensation for Personal Injuries in Drunk Driving Cases
Drunk drivers can face both criminal and civil charges. This gives you additional options for obtaining compensation for your damages.
Civil cases allow punitive damages to be applied in addition to those that relate to lost wages and medical costs.
Establishments that serve alcohol to drunk drivers can also be held accountable. Known as “dram shop actions”, these legal proceedings can be held against bars, restaurants, and liquor stores among many others that are involved in serving alcohol to drivers.
Allowing an intoxicated patron to leave an establishment and drive away may make a business liable for any resulting drunk driving accidents.
Your attorney can help you determine all of the options you have for getting the compensation you deserve.
Gathering evidence, dealing with insurance companies, and navigating the complex process of making a personal injury claim are just some of the services that your personal injury attorney will provide.
Together, you can prepare a strong case that shows that a driver was intoxicated at the time of your accident. This and other factors are critical to getting you the compensation you deserve.
If you or someone you know have been injured because of someone else’s carelessness, contact CP Law Group today at 1-844-5-I’M-HURT (1-844-546-4878) to get the help you deserve. Contact Us.