
Your Personal Injury Attorneys 404-480-3908





Teenage Driving: Getting Compensated for Personal Injuries Caused by Reckless Behavior

The number of car accidents caused by teenage drivers is a growing concern for other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. In many cases, teenagers engage in risky behaviors while driving, leading to injuries and fatalities. In some cases, parents of teenage drivers may be held liable for injuries and other damages. Understanding the laws related to auto accidents caused by teenage drivers is the first step to getting the compensation to help you recover from your injuries. Risks Related to Teenage Driving Teenagers are considered high-risk drivers, and insurance providers typically charge higher premiums for protecting young drivers. The increased risk that teenage...

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Reckless Driving and Personal Injury Compensation

Reckless Driving and Personal Injury Compensation

Reckless driving is a major cause of automobile accidents, injuries, property damage, and death on the roadways. Georgia’s reckless driving laws ensure that these drivers are held accountable and that their victims received the compensation they deserve. Understanding how these laws apply to your personal injury case helps determine the value of your damages and supports you achieving as full a recovery as possible. Defining Reckless Driving Reckless driving consists of driving with the disregard for other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians as well as traveling at high speeds. Common examples of reckless driving include tailgating, driving while intoxicated, speeding, running stop signs and lights, and...

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